Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Troop & the Community

Topic Title
Video about an Auction
Let’s have an auction!
Presentation of the product (video)
Peso conversion
100,000                 -              Underwear
50,000                   -              shorts
10,000                   -              trousers/skirt –shirt/blouse
 5,000                    -              pair of socks
 1,000                    -              shoes/sandals/slippers(pair)
Opening price; bidding start
Declare a winner bidder

What is the significance of the game to our topic?
The idea of giving/sharing
Selflessness or Sacrifices to achieve a common goal
The Spirit of teamwork

How does it relate to our troops in Scouting and their involvement in community building?
Social involvement as a tool in personal development

Participating in community development activities in effect help them in their personal growth and consequently share important part in nation building.  

The concept of social involvement can be found in each fundamental element of Scouting.

 Duty to others.
Participation in the development of society with recognition and respect for the dignity of one’s fellow man and for the integrity of the natural world.

The Scout Oath & Law
The Scout Oath & Law expresses what we are and what we are committed to doing

The Mission & Vision Statement of Scouting
S c o u t i n g ’s Mission & Vision expresses what we should do

Being responsible citizen necessitates active participation in the development of the society where they belong. First in the home, the institution, then in the neighborhood, the community, the Philippine society and from there to the international community.

Personal Growth and the development of Society

Scouting strives to make young people responsible for their own development. It tries to encourage them to learn for themselves instead of passively receiving standardized instruction.

Mission statement of the Scouting movement:
“contributing to the development of the individual boy anchored on the principle of selfless service to self, to others to country and to God as a first step towards a better society”.

Scouting, contributes to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.

Involving our young people throughout their formative years in a non-formal education process. 

Using a specific method that makes each individual the principal agent in his or her development as a self-reliant, supportive, responsible and committed person -“Learning by doing”

Scouting today must ensure that:
What it offers young people reflects their needs and aspirations in the society in which they live, and attracts and retains their interest over a sufficient period of time, especially adolescence, to advance their personal development.
There has to be a degree of enthusiasm to draw interest and encourage dynamic involvement on activities.  Relative understanding entices them to take part actively.  Always be happy.
Let’s try to think of a community project that you think is very relevant in the present times.
Community Involvement Project Samples
1.     Drug abuse prevention
2.     Anti-Pornography campaign
3.     Literacy Campaign
4.     Clean and Green Program
5.     Waste Segregation & Recycling
6.     Handicapped integration
7.     Reforestation
8.     Prevention of Soil Erosion
9.     Fire Safety

Encourage awareness
Expression of feelings / Declaration of position
Stimulate others to make a resounding stand against the problem
Implement actions and continuing/sustainable solutions to combat the proble

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