Monday, February 13, 2017

BSP Program Task Group - SURVIVAL CAMP

Assigned to devise a Survival Camp Activities to be included in the BSP Handbook on National Program for Advancement to be launched 2018. This is my take.......


The Survival Camp is one of the most significant skill activities among the pre-requisites that a candidate for Venturer Scout Rank has to go through. Generally, it rechecks and enhances the candidates’ proficiency and readiness to respond in times of emergency, disasters and inculcates the LEAVE NO TRACE OUTDOOR PRINCIPLES to wilderness camping.

In the Outdoorsman Scout Rank, staying in an improvised shelter, making camp gadgets and improvised utensils in cooking their own food are some of the focused camping activities while in the Venturer Scout Rank require higher knowledge and skills, discipline, self-confidence and stamina because of its more challenging physical and mental activities like Orienteering/Navigation, Pioneering and Emergency Preparedness.  

It is in the Survival camp that encompasses the necessary aptitude a scout should have, believing in himself to overcome various challenges, self-reliant and always “prepared”.

1.      It should be a 3-day/2-night activity for Venturer Scout Rank.
2.     The participating scouts must be a registered member and holder of Outdoorsman Scout Rank.
3.      The scouts must be physically fit.
            4.      Ideal ratio is 3 trained adult leader to 8 Scouts (minimum); 3:15 (maximum).   
            5.      One accompanying trained adult leader be at least a graduate of the Advanced Training 
                  Course, other one is trained in medical and one for communication.

5.1.1. Suggested General Program of Activities
Wilderness Survival Camp

Urban Survival Camp

5.1.2. General Guidelines for Selection of Sites

Wilderness Survival Camp

1.      Camp on durable surfaceAn ideal campsite is an area conducive to move around and conduct activities but will have minimum impact on the environment. The most applicable way to choose a campsite is to look for a site that already exists with established trails and some trees enough to provide protection from the sun or bad weather. It should be in the wilderness, where dwellers don not exist.

2.      Campsite may or may not have natural supply of water. Keeping away from riparian areas best protect either scouts or the environment from any impact. 

3.      Avoid valleys and low lying areas where water may flow and get flooded due to rains.

4.      Choose an area where natural dangers are not present such as animal or insect nests, trees with dead branches or mature fruits  that might fall off, falling rocks or landslide areas, or area with dense vegetation where you cannot see present weather situation.

5.      Campsites can be selected by an Outfit Advisor making sure that all mentioned considerations are met. Together with an authorized Local Council representative, It has to be carefully assessed and familiarity of the environ has to be established. Prior to the local Council’s approval, necessary Safety & Risk Management Plan should also be devised and to be discussed in a pre-Survival Camping Orientation with the assigned leaders.

Urban Survival Camp
1.      An ideal campsite for Urban Survival Camp can be public parks, markets, school grounds, public parking areas and

2.      Campsite may or may not have supply of water. Keeping away from riparian areas best protect either scouts or the environment from any impact. 

3.      Avoid valleys and low lying areas where water may flow and get flooded due to rains.

4.      Choose an area where natural dangers are not present such as animal or insect nests, waterways or river banks; places with informal settlers and have high crime incident rates; places with presence of toxic materials such as doomed chemical factories or any other risks that could be inflicted by Old/condemned buildings, construction sites,  Nightclubs and bars, places with busy traffic conditions.

5.      As much as possible, choose an area that is close to Police Headquarters, Barangay Outposts or Medical Facilities

6.      Campsites can be selected by an Outfit Advisor making sure that all mentioned considerations are met. Together with an authorized Local Council representative, It has to be carefully assessed and familiarity of the environ has to be established. Prior to the local Council’s approval, necessary Safety & Risk Management Plan should also be devised and to be discussed in a pre-Survival Camping Orientation with the assigned leaders.

5.1.3. Safety and Risk Management Plan

Familiarity and articulacy with the environ of selected campsite is significant to have an effective and efficient Safety and Risk Management Plan. 

Possible Risks should be identified to formulate a plan. Gathering Information from past experiences is vital to devise an effective strategy.
Eg: Earthquake
 How to protect yourself from falling objects.
Dock, cover and hold.
After the shake, secure everyone and execute the evacuation plan
Evacuation Plan
Be acquainted with weather forecast prior to camping activities
Day-to-day weather update and monitoring,
Open and efficient communication among leaders in any eventuality
Execution of Evacuation Plan if necessary

Be acquainted with weather forecast prior to camping activities
Keep away from areas that are prone to flooding or flash flooding
Identify elevated expanses that can be an evacuation area in case of emergencies

Emergencies caused by wildlife: Stings, bites

Selection of an ideal campsite is really indispensable in order to avoid as much risks as possible to possess a safe environment for all scouts. 

Aside from verbal disclosures during meetings Visual Illustration of Safety and Risk Management Plan will provide realistic information and guidance in preparation or even during actual events.

Incident Command System among assigned staff/leaders should be formed, understood and agreed upon prior to the conduct of a Survival Camp. 

5.1.4. Camping Permits and Other Related Forms, Clearances, etc.

·         Survival Camping Permit Application – Camping Permit
·         Campsite Inspection Clearance and Approval by the Local Council
·         Permit from the Property owner
·         Community Clearance (Barangay, municipality, city)
·         Police Clearance and request for Assistance
·         Scouts’ Medical Certificate
·         Parent’s Consent

“Survival Camping involves risk. I will not enter and participate unless I am medically able and properly trained.  I assume all risks associated from the activities which I will perform during camp. 

Knowing these facts and in consideration of my participation, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the BSP _________ Council and its representatives from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation”

5.1.5. Equipment and Materials

These are the Materials suggested by the Program Task Group during Presentation/Deliberation:

Bolo or scout knife
Garbage bag (to be used for water proofing)
Sanitary napkin (to be used in large cuts / wounds)
1 small mirror
Thermal blanket (alum. Foil)
garbage bag

I suggest however that we just devise a Basic Survival Kit Standard for our Scouts to consist of the following:
Emergency Thermal Blanket/Nylon Tarp
Water bottle
Fire Starter
Stainless Steel Pocket knife
Garbage bag
Basic First Aid: Bandages, medicines
5.1.6. Terms of Reference for the Staff

§  Objectives
1.      To get scout leaders prepare a premeditated Survival Camping Activity required for our scouts.
2.      To give scouts freedom of time and entitlement on how to endure the challenges bounded in the Survival Camp.
3.      Assigned Leaders are only to monitor the conduct of scouts’ activities but no mediation or intervention has to be made during the course of scouts’ actions.  
4.      Leaders should be equipped with First Aid necessities and Incident Command System is in place in case of any eventuality.
5.      To make sure that the Principles “Leave No Trace” is being considered.
6.      Always remember the rule of Threes
In a Survival situation, always remember the Rule of Threes.
A human can survive for:
·         3 minutes without air
·         3 hours without a regulated body temperature (shelter)
·         3 days without water
·         3 weeks without food
7.      Of the 5 Trained Leaders every 24 scouts, one should be assigned on First Aid and scout’s other medical needs and one should handle coordination and communication with necessary authorities like barangay, police, hospital, property owner, park, market, school admin.
8.      Transportation must also be handy in case of any eventuality.

§  Activities to be implemented during Wilderness Survival Camp
§  Improvised shelter making
§  Purifying water for drinking
§  Fire Building
§  Food Hunting
§  Survival Cooking
§  Identification of edible and poisonous plants (Ethno Botany)
§  Campcraft (Improvised camp gadgets and cooking utensils)
§  Orienteering/Navigation
§  To ensure LEAST POSSIBLE to NO IMPACT effect on the environment (LNT principles)

§  Activities to be implemented during Urban Survival Camp
§  Improvised Shelter
§  Finding water for drinking
§  Protect self from illnesses through hygiene
§  “Work for Food”
§  Offering Services & Public Performances
§  Materials Recovery
§  Improvises gadgets & Utensils making
§  Obeying traffic rules & Signs
     Community Service

Expertise required
Scout Leaders who will facilitate Pre-Survival Camp Activities should have some expertise in Bushcraft in Wilderness Survival Camps, or Backpacking in Urban Survival Camps.
Camcraft – knot tying skills and proficiency in lashing should be the prime most requisite a trained Leader should have.

Ethno Botany – Familiarity with edible and/or medicinal against poisonous or plants

Practical Life Skills is eminent in both Wilderness and Urban Survival Activities

Practice of the Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics and Principles

§  Reporting requirements
Obligatory nightly commentary and evaluation by its staff is and Local Council Representative is required to monitor the general progress of the activities being applied and to have a clear visualization of next day’s activities.

5.2. Standard Assessment Tool for the Survival Camp

Practicum or Actual performance of given task.  Knowledge & familiarity of skills as being performed real time by scouts as it was directed to be accomplished.
Theoretical and Academic valuation  as to competency or capability in generating visual academic output like data charts, collage, multi-media presentations or  written/narrative information such as Essays, blogs, creative writing about experiences and learning that will be used in the analysis and evaluation or review.

National Commissioner Jose Delgado and my appointment

with Sctr.Rex Ynion of Metro Manila South Council


Program Presentation
12L BP International Hotel

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