Friday, June 19, 2020


One fine Scouitng day inside Laguna Council's Conference Hall, it was unanimously suggested by my LCEB fellows choosing me to chair the Grant-In Aid Program for a Project Proposal aiming to get financial benefit from the BSP Hierarchy in our Manila Headquarters.

From the Council's Stockroom in Los Banos to become Dormitory and Training Center, then later changed to Repair and Renovation of Council's Roofing, then shortly changed to BSP Laguna Campsite's modern Reception-Training Facility to finally end in the Repair and Improvement of BSP Campsite's Headquarters and Swimming Pool. I patiently collated information required for an irresistible Project Proposal to be forwarded to the HQ.

And apparently, after the necessary documentations has finally prepared and submitted to the BSP National Office for approval, While waiting for the release of the aforementioned grant came the Corona Virus COVID-19 Pandemic.  A global Crisis sparing nothing with no preference coercing people to be victims. Dreadful  and outrageous to overcome. The world suffers and Laguna Council was not spared. We are now crying for help.

This is the flight of BSP Laguna Council's One Million Peso Journey.


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