Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Venturer Scout Survival Camp 2015 Edition

Total Hiking Distance                      -              5.5Km
Total Hiking Time w/o break        -              3 hrs +/- with moving average speed of 4km/hr
Elevation                                             -              69 masl minimum; 351masl maximum

Starting Point     -              Stn 1 “Suni”                        -              20 minutes
Stn 1(Suni)          -              Silungan                               -              20 minutes
Silungan               -              Labangan                             -              20 minutes
Labangan             -              Exit point                             -              25 minutes
Exit point             -              Stn 2 San Salvador           -              15 minutes
Stn 2 (Salvador)-               Aurora                                  -              15 minutes
Aurora                  -              Mayor                                   -              30 minutes
Mayor                   -              Stn 3 “Arawan”                 -              30 minutes

Starting Point     -              Anibong Campsite Acacia Area
Stn 1 “Suni”        -              Wide shaded space with nipa hut on its eastern plank 20 mins from Start pt.
 Suitable Activity Area that can hold 50-60 pax.
Lat-14.22275 deg; Long-121.46703 deg
                                                Elevation 160m

Silungan               -              Shaded stopover after a great view point overlooking Magdalena area about 20
min continuous ascend from Stn 1
Lat-14.22226 deg ;Long-121.46925 deg.
Elevation 250m

Labangan             -              Open area after thick vegetation and challenging bushy trail 20 minutes from
Silungan. On upward slopes passiing along old nipa hut, suha tree and 
downward slope to a a creek until reaching the marked area.  Afterwhich, an
enjoyable cool woodland trail going to the next marker.
                                                Lat-14.22278 deg; Long- 121.47236 deg.
                                                Elevation 280m

Exit Point             -              Crosspath.  East trail leading to San Salvador Brgy Road 25 minutes from
Lat-14.22267 deg; Long-121.47421 deg                                   
Elevation 330m

Stn 2 San Salvador           Highest Hiking point before descent with Bangkok Santol Landmark 15 minutes
from Exit point. Suitable Lunch area with water source about 25 m south of
landmark.  Possible regroup and activity area while waiting for Sundown.
Lat-14.22035 deg; Long-121.47474 deg
Elevation 350m

Aurora                                  Descending Southward trail 15 minutes from San Salvador Station is a wide
denuded fenced area with a nipa hut at the center being used by resident loggers. 

Mayor                   -              Descending Southward trail 45 minutes from San Salvador overlooking
Magdalena Area where you can also partly view BSP Anibong Campsite
Lat-14.21678 deg; Long- 121.47106 deg
Elevation 255m

Stn 3 “Arawan”                 Saddle with several creeks running along its sides about 30 minutes from Mayor.
Suitable regroup and wash-up area whereafter an ideal overnight camp area
too. About 10 mins easy walk (switchback trail) to/from BSP Anibong Campsite
Lat-14.21645 deg; Long-121.4665 deg
Elevation 125m

End                        -              BSP Anibong Campsite
                                                Elevation 90m

1.     To comply with the new directives made by the BSP National Office to conduct Scouting activities for Venturers Scout.
2.     To get scout leaders participate and execute an efficient and well organized  honest-to-goodness Survival Hiking Activity needed by our boys.
3.     To redesign a Survival Hiking activity that reviews and tests scouts’ skills for their advancement.
4.     To conduct quality scouting program needed by our scouts for self-development.
5.     To provide our scouts an ideal activity competitive among other scouts with regards to skills, resiliency and self-confidence.
Roll call: Assigned leaders
Stn 1 Camp Suni
"Silungan"check point
"Labangan" check point
Exit point
Stn 2 San Salvador
"Aurora" check point
"Meyor" check point
Stn 3 "Arawan" overnight camp

Elements that MUST be included in the activities (as prescribed by the BSP Standards)
Improvised shelter
Cooking using improvised utensils
Identification of edible and poisonous plants
Identification of Wildlife
To ensure LEAST POSSIBLE to NO IMPACT effect on the environment.

1.     The Council should group participants and have a control (checklist per group) of their attendance as soon as they arrive/register. 
2.     Assignments of campsite to respective groups should be informed clearly beforehand and rules should be strictly implemented. 
3.     Outfit advisors have separate campsite different from the participants.  They should not be tagging along with their scouts as soon as the activity starts.
4.     Participants should limit bringing non-essential things.  Bear in mind that we are in a Survival hike and Not on a leisure trip
5.     Orienting participants on trail etiquette and give necessary information on how to properly negotiate the hiking trails.
6.     Time allotment for every activity on Station or checkpoint is variable depending on the number of participants for the Survival hike. 15 minutes will be the least allotted time for each group of participants at each station/checkpoint. Time allotment and transition for activities should be understood clearly by all Scout leaders assigned on stations and check points before the hike starts.
7.     Aside from conducting activities, Check points also serves as safety areas where leaders can double check participants’ general condition and attendance including ensuring that no one is getting lost. Scout leaders should make a roll call to double check each group's number.
8.     Check points are benchmarks of participants moving speed.  It also tests participants’ navigational skills.  After each activity, Scout leader points the direction towards the next checkpoint/station where participants should take.
9.     Station 3 where participants will be staying for the night should be the culminating area where scouts should remain busy to conduct activities on survival skills: improvised shelter, camp craft, cooking with improvised utensils.  Leader assigned on Stn 3 can add other survival activities but must not reduce what was prescribed (elements of survival hike).
10.  Leaders assigned on Station 3 must isolate participants on the area.  No one should leave the place for any other reason. Make it clear to all participants and outfit advisors too that hiking activities is not yet consummated until all gets back to the BSP Campsite.  Survival hiking ends when Swimming activities begin.
11.  Outfit advisors must stay away from the participants’ camp area.  They should not cause any reason to interrupt participants’ activities as being ordered by the Scout leader assigned.
12.  Scout leaders utilized during the Survival hike must assist in the Swimming activities.
13.  The finalized activities should be the Standard Activities for the Venturer Scout Camp Survival hiking activities whoever scout leader will handle it in the future.  In case of modification or revision from the standard activities, a scout leader in-charge must submit details of changes in writing prior to the scheduled Hiking Activity and should be clearly approved in writing by the CSE.

Program of Activities

DAY1, Friday                IMPROVISED CAMPING DAY
8:00 am                        -           Arrival/Registration at BSP Anibong Campsite
Assignment of Campsite for Outfit Advisors
1:00 pm                        -           Program Starts
                                    In the case of large number of participants (100+) Divide  participants by SUB
CAMPs for which they will execute respective set of activities on:
Making (1) Improvised Shelter and (2) Camp crafts  (3) Fire building
Suggested Subcamp names:


Assignments of DEMO Improvised Campsite for participants
                                    Participants Improvised Campsites must be away from their OAs/District
Campsites.  Participants campsites should be isolated from crowd or
passersby and should be conducive to learning where all participants can
focus on their particular set activity. 

LEADERS CAN MAKE ENCOURAGEMENT INSPECTION to monitor the progress of each subcamp’s activity.
5:00 pm                        -           All participants go to their OAs’ (District Campsites) campsites for Dinner and to
prepare themselves for the Venturer Scout  BOR.
7:00 PM                        -           BOR  
                                    Before BOR: Scout Leaders should hold a meeting to finalize assignments to handle
BOR and Survival Hiking Activities. 
Eagle Scouts assignments should also be finalized in this meeting. Assignments to
assist on the following:
1.     Swimming Activities (this should be pre-assigned and ES should have given instruction on their respective duties.  They also should have attended the swimming practice 1:00-3:00 pm with Scout Leader handling the Swimming Activity.
2.     Eagle Scouts to handle assistance in the BOR
3.     Eagle Scouts to handle the assistance in the Survival Hiking
4.     Eagle Scout to handle assistance in the mess area c/o Sir Richy
11:00 pm              -              TAPS

DAY 2, Saturday                SURVIVALHIKING DAY
4:00 am                -              Participants Rise and Shine
4:30 am                -              Participants’ morning exercise; breakfast; GET READY TO HIKE
6:30 am                -              Participants FALL-IN by Sub Camp grouping in the covered court together with the Leaders assigned on Aurora and Mayor Checkpoints.  Scout Leaders assigned @ Stn 3 “Arawan” Overnight Campsite should be the one to give final briefing to the participants about the activity.  He should give some information about what are the things to expect during the activity.
(1)    Distance between participants
(2)    Dispatch Time Gap of every group.  This is variable depending on the decided participants’ breakdown/grouping .  In case Scout decided to divide participants into 3 groups --- 45 minutes is the ideal time dispatch interval.  Number of groups must be limited up to 5 groups only with 30 minutes time dispatch interval.  To keep the participants busy while waiting for their dispatch. Eagle Scouts should check attendance/roll-call.  While waiting for participants’ turn, a Scout leader must give some inputs on Hiking.  Essentials and Ethics Scouts should know while hiking.

Scout Leaders MUST PROCEED TO THEIR RESPECTIVE STNS/CHECK-POINTS not later than 6:30 am.  They should have enough time to hike towards their respective places of assignments and prepare the necessary materials for their activity. At their respective areas, they should be wearing scout uniform to separate them from the rest of the participants.
7:30 am                -              1st group dispatch
Estimated Participants’ hiking time is 4-5 hrs from Stn 1 until Stn 3 with 15 minutes time allotment of every Station/Checkpoint they will be passing for skills activities (inputs and application). Number of groups must be limited up to 5 groups only to ensure participants hiking activities until Stn # “Arawan”  will be concluded before dusk. 
STN 1 “Suni”       ACTIVITY: FIRST AID USING PLANTS OR HERBS (Input & Application)
                                Check Participants’ number: COUNT OFF then radio Group’s number of participants to all monitoring Stn/Checkpoint for information
                                Scout Leaders SHOULD be informing participants about proper phasing during hike for safety. They should explain important points on Pulse rate, Respiration rate and Blood Pressure.
Special Advise on how to handle fainting during hikes.    

CHKPNT “Silungan”         Follow-up information on Fainting.  Give instruction NOT TO SIT OR EVEN BOW to prevent fainting following a stiff ascend.
                                ACTIVITY:  Scout Leaders’ Prerogative
                                Check Participants’ number: COUNT OFF to confirm information given by Stn 1 Leader

Instruct Participants to FALL-IN
Check Participants’ number: COUNT OFF to confirm

Instruct Participants to FALL-IN Circle
Check Participants’ number: COUNT OFF to confirm

STN 2 Sn Salvador            Rest Stop/Water Refilling
Additional Input on Hiking Safety while waiting
Instruct Participants to FALL-IN
Check Participants’ number: COUNT OFF to confirm

Instruct participants to build a Pioneering Structure in 15 minutes using prepared materials (Bamboo & lashing ropes)
Check Participants’ number: COUNT OFF to confirm

Instruct participants to cook and eat food in just 15 minutes.  Leader already prepared Sweet Potatoes.  Fire is already available too.  Participants cook  and eat sweet potatoes the way they want.
Check Participants’ number: COUNT OFF to confirm

Stn 3 “Arawan” Overnight Camp                               ACTIVITY: SURVIVAL CAMPING AND CAMPFIRE
Instruct participants to prepare improvised shelters which they will actually use for the night.  They should cook and eat available food too.  After dinner, they should be preparing for a number to be presented at the campfire.  Presentation Theme should be given by the Scout Leader assigned at the area.

8:00 PM                -              Campfire

DAY 3, Sunday                   SWIMMING DAY
5:00 am                -              Rise and shine; breakfast; morning exercise
6:00 am                -              Break camp and hike back to BSP Anibong campsite
7:00 am                -              Roll-call; Swimming Orientation
11:00 am              -              Swimming Activities
12:00 nn               -              Participants’ Lunch at their respective OA campsites

1:00 pm                -              Closing Program