Monday, July 27, 2015



Session Objective
  •       Explain the philosophy and principles of advancement.
  •       Illustrate the BSP Advancement Scheme
  •       Discuss the importance Badge System.
  •       Describe the Merit Badge Counseling Process
  •       Talk about the role of adults in promoting Scout Advancement.


Series of basic activities which will help develop scouts physically, morally and socially and to have fun while doing the activities.  As each scout progresses, he will gain self-reliance and come to realize that he is capable of undertaking increasingly difficult skills.  As an outcome, scouts then can accept certain responsibilities towards other people.  Included in the Scout Advancement concept is the recognition of the scouts’ progression by an award or a BADGE. (The Badge System)

  • The scout is encouraged to compete, not against somebody else but against himself.
  • The scouts’ advancement in rank should happen as a result of his normal experience in the unit.
  • The scout should be given opportunity to practice requirement rather than be told.
  • Various Scout Ranks and Badges represent the Scout’s degree of qualification to be a good outdoorsman and a good citizen.
  • Scouts should be informed about the reasons and purposes of the advancement requirements and how they fit usefully into their everyday lives.
  • Advancement must be presented attractively and be fun.  It must be enjoyed and leading towards a definiteend.
  • Advancement is ONLY a means to an end as the obejective is not to produce Eagle Scouts or Leaping Usa Scouts but MEN OF CHARACTER, trained for responsible citizenship.

Rationale of the BADGE SYSTEM

The Badge System is based on a set of requirements so planned that the scouts’ interest will be developed in a natural way.  Parents, Scout Leaders and other adults play an important role in making the Badge System truly work in the Color Group (Kawan), Patrol (Troop), Crew (Outfit) or at home, in school, in the community and most especially in the life of the scouts.
The Badge System is the recognition for an achievement or for meeting the requirements for advancement, but the real satisfaction must come from the way the boy earned it and not the badge itself.  Therefore, it is not a program for doing things for the sake of getting badges.  Thus the Badge System aims to produce boys of character, trained on hjis four duties:  Duty to God; Duty to Country; Duty to Other; and Duty to Self.

Principles of the BADGE SYSTEM

The Advancement program was planned to encourage the natural interests of the boy in a natural way.  It is silply a guide to his everyday life.  It is not a program of doing things for the sake of earning badges.  The badges are incidental and parents and leaders must avoid allowing the badges to become the aim in itself.  The Badge is recognition for merit/achievement, the real satisfaction comes from the ”doing”-not-“ getting”. 


Step 1. The Boy Learns (Preparation)
The boy learns Scouting skills by taking an active hands-on part in Troop and Patrol Meetings and the outdoor programs. This learning is the natural outcome of his regular Scouting activities as in learning how to tie a square knot or how to treat for shock and transport the injured during Patrol Meetings.

Step 2. The Boy Is Tested (Examination)
When his leaders see that he has mastered a given skill and has satisfied a given requirement, they tell him so and record his achievement. This testing is done through observation made as the boy participates in the activities and not by means of a threatening written test or interview. Rather, the testing is based on how the boy performed in a knot tying relay or the gadgets he was able to put up when the Troop or the Patrol went camping.

Step 3. The Boy Is Reviewed (Review)
When a Scout completes all requirements for a rank, he appears before a Board of Review composed of members of the Troop Committee. Their purpose is not to retest the boy but to make sure he has met all the requirements, to chat with him about how he feels he is getting along with the Troop and Scouting, and of course to encourage him to keep advancing.

Step 4. The Boy is Recognized (Award) When a Scout is certified by the Board of Review, he is awarded a new badge of rank the soonest time possible in a ceremony in the next Troop Meeting. He should be recognized again in the Troops next Court of Honor.


The Scouting program is not for the scouts alone but for the whole family.  The amount of interest cooperation and support received from parents and leaders will determine what Scouting can do to our boys.


Plans and develop a program of activities integrating different requirements of a certain badge.  Applying the “PLAY-WAY” method, the boy accomplishes the requirements without actually knowing it.  Advancement in this case comes as a natural outcome of such activities.


Parents can give inspiration and guidance to their sons in accomplishing advancement requirements at home.  Since KAB Scouting is also a home-centered program, most of the advancement works are done at home with supervision of their respective parents.


Leader/Advisor Encourages advancement by promoting interest in mastering skills of Scouting. They promote active participation in Patrol/Troop, Crew/Outfit activities to give the scouts chance to study nature, knowing their environment, their community and to put into actual practice their skills and knowledge of outdoor life in line with the advancement.


The key person in the phase of the advancement program. 

Chosen by the Advancement Committee, a merit badge counselor will help scouts learn a man’s vocation, hobby or specialty skills and is willing to give his time generously to help the scouts.  An encouraging friend and helpful coach in scouts’ adventure, a merit badge counselor goes through the requirements making sure that the scouts understand what they have to do and how to go about them. 

Promoting and Administering Advancement

Personal encouragement of the Troop Leader and the coordination between the Patrol Leaders, parents of Scouts is by far the most effective method of achieving this end. Nothing less than a personal follow up of the progress in advancement of individual boys, done regularly, will produce the desired advancement among the boys in a Troop. Individual counseling is necessary. The permanent display of an advancement chart, properly filled out, in a Troop Meeting Room is a positive way of encouraging advancement. When a boy sees his performance against other boys, he becomes strongly motivated to go on with his advancement so as not to be left behind.

The administration of Advancement necessitates the use of Badge Counselors and the necessary forms from the BSP for reporting advancement progress. These forms are the following:

1. Merit Badge Application
2. Application for Advancement
3. Advancement Report
4. Report of the Board of Review

The Court of Honor

The term “Court of Honor” has a romantic appeal.  It is typical of the Scouts’ Scheme of education and character training which emphasizes the positive rather than the negative.  Its purpose is to recognize a Scout’s achievement.

The term Court of Honor is applied both to the ceremony of recognition at which the badges of achievement or other awards are presented and also to group of men who constitute the court.

The principal objective of the Court of Honor are to furnish a dramatic background for the recognition of achievement and tenure to spur among other scouts to achieve what the scout has accomplished and to build among those present an appreciation and deeper understanding of the aims and ideals of Scouting in the life of the Scout and the Troop.



How it was PREPARED?   
Information was initially gathered through observation of the council’s advancement practices, the council’s relationship with the academe and the implementation of the national scouting policies on advancement as being interpreted and implemented by our local council through our advancement officer.  If you may recall….in the past 10 years Laguna council already had 3 career people handling advancement by the persons of - Joseph Tan, Rexon Arevalo and presently Andrew Cano. 
Other pertinent information was derived through scores of casual inquiries and consultation with our Scouting mentors and our council’s scouting pioneers. Unang una na po diyan si SE Tino Arellano, Sctrs. Ding Alonzo, Manuel Valdez, our colleague who’s now residing in Canada but very much in touch with us - Sctr. Salustiano Garjim Garcia, Sctrs. Edu Barroso, Elpie Fabello, Peding Averion, Gilbert Ocampo and our colleagues with the present Executive Board - Engr. Rolly de Guzman, Rey Talavera and Benny Casas.   After gathering relevant information, an overall strategy was devised.   The initial draft was prepared and later presented to SE for his comments and other suggestions. Subsequently, the advancement committee discussed the draft with chairman FVC and SE.
Members of the Advancement Committee are Sctr. Roger Austria, Sctr. Michael Pantaleon, Sctr. Andrew Cano and myself.

 Objectives of the Strategy
  • The goal of the strategy is simply to produce quality scouts who had undergone quality scouting training and proficiency in scouting skills needed to become responsible and productive citizens of our country, confident of their knowledge and abilities.
  • The aim in the pursuit of an Eagle Scout rank should not confine to the award itself but the experiences the boy will gain in the process.  Climbing the advancement ladder should be at a consistent progression phase for the boy to clearly understand and correlate activities to the changing times.
  • To share with other boys what they have learned on good character building, skills development, good leadership and foremost of all love of God and country and devotion and respect to parents.
 Our present status   

The BSP National Headquarters like all NSOs in the world has a satisfactory Advancement guidelines way back.  “Learning by doing“ activities are essential part of the program. Elsewhere, the pursuit of Scout Advancement has always been through the “badge system”. This has always been proven for the simplest yet paramount reason of training our boys in citizenship and skills for self-reliance.

The Laguna Council is consistently one of the 5 best councils in the Philippines for many years. Being always on top does not necessarily mean there’s no more room for growth. We in the Advancement Committee believe there should always be a way to improve some more so the scouting goal as dreamt by our founder Sir Robert Baden Powell can be attained

Yearly, we have been producing hundreds of Eagle Scouts. It is somehow a regular occurrence that we produce such number of awardees, bestowing these prestigious medals to our boys who are expected by many to be “trained and able.”   Nonetheless, the Advancement Committee recognizes some inadequacies. We think our boys deserve more knowledge and skills than what we have been giving them today. There should be more room for enhancement. . (pictures of our ACM awards/Lorellard Spencer Award)

Obstacles and Challenges

There are several factors that our local council somehow unknowingly tolerated resulting to the diminishing quality of programs on our scouts’ advancement that concern the following:
  1. Our present relationship with the academe
a.       Mandatory against Voluntary set-up with the DepEd
b.      Relationship of people involved in the Scouting organization:
·         career professionals academe
·         Supervisor principal coordinator - professional and personal relationship with each other
·         Teacher parents’ rapport towards the scouting activities
  1. Well defined obligations and responsibilities expected of scout leaders:
a.       Leaders have different focal points of interest in joining the scouting movement
b.      Proper communication and coordination with other local scout leaders
c.       The level of knowledge or competence of leaders in conducting scouting activities in their respective  areas
d.       Leaders from the academe solely dependent on local council’s scouting schedules.
  1. Complacency or lukewarm attitude of local council and its leaders in conducting ideal and innovative scouting programs due to:
a.       Lack of continuity of programs being implemented by the council through its advancement officer
b.      Decreasing  number of training personnel to handle training activities
c.       Insufficient training skills and materials

We in the Advancement Committee finally devised a strategy proposal that shall appropriately address most of our present problems mentioned and hopefully generate good results. Hence, the element of complacency is eliminated and subsequently for the council to carry out scouting activities for advancement in a more defined, interesting yet practical manner.

Are we moving away or deviating from the National Headquarters’ guidelines for advancement?
No, we are simply putting adequate means that will not keep us off tangent from the ideal program.  We are mobilizing our course of actions so we may not linger away from the true sense of motivating and imparting knowledge and skills training to our scouts.


To best explain the strategy, we prepared a calendar that shows the course of actions on a given time frame from Day 1 which is the boy’s joining the scouting organization and undergoing  an Investiture ceremony.  Should the set program is religiously followed with the help of institutional scout leaders, and of course with the blessings and permission of their parents---a boy can be an Eagle Scout in three years’ time.  With this timeline, a boy can have enough opportunity to devote his remaining year in highschool serving as a model Eagle scout awardee, giving inspiration to other scouts of lower ranks and to motivate or encourage other boys to join the scouting movement.  They are our local council’s ”walking advertisement” to promote  Scouting to the youth and what these youth will become if they join the scouting movement. This strategy, if implemented seriously and diligently should give our local council a steady stream of ideal Eagle Scouts in the years to come.
Also, with the high level of interest and consciousness gained by the Eagle Scouts and with the ample time left before they graduate from high school, they can still purse other scouting training programs to gain additional knowledge and improve their skills and acquire some exposures to become the next set of leader-trainers of our local council.

Suggested Augmentation Inputs
  1. Assignment t of merit badge counselors to handle proficiency training (per congressional area)
  2. Provide curiosity measures in the Merit Badge system for Advancement. This will include orientation meetings to equip leaders of enough knowledge on Scout Advancement including its proper documentation.
  3. Well-defined program of activities in advancement camps. Traditional CLTC wil become 2 Separate Courses namely: CLTC for Outdoorsman rank and CLTC for Venturer Scout rank. Or simply Advancement for Outdoorsman rank and Venturer Scout rank respectively.
  4. Relevant & detailed activity assignments for Eagle Scouts to motivate them to be valuable gems of our local council.
  5. Utilization of Eagle Scouts in many facets of Scouting Activities and prepare them to be the next set of leaders of the organization.
·         Ambassadors of goodwill in the membership promotion activities.
·         Associates at Advancement Camps and other scouting activities
·         In the course of utilizing our Eagle scouts, we can clearly select our Local Council’s bet for the next TOBS

There seems to be additional activities in the implementation of Advancement Activities. Does that mean more expenses for the scouts?
No. Scouting program does not have to be costly. Most of advancement activities particularly Merit Badge Earning will be conducted in scouts’ respective local areas.  In that manner, scouts will not spend for transportation and food.  .  In fact, scouts can learn new things and develop their skills even without money involved. With this program, scouts will gain knowledge and skills in the most practical way.


fig. 1.  Provisional Scouting Program

Arrows represent interest/consciousness level of our boys. It is usually the boy or his parents’ enthusiasm that made him join the organization. At an early point in time after joining the organization….due to the challenges and lack of skill development mentioned earlier – the boy immediately loses interest and sadly shifted focus to non-scouting activities.
Why is it so?
(1)    Less or no activity at all as expected by the boy or his parents from his school. 
(2)    Scout leaders are not physically available to attend to the initial needs of the boy so as to gain enthusiasm in joining in the organization 
(3)    There were no clear scouting programs being implemented in schools. Most number of schools at least in our area requires children to wear their scouting uniform only during Fridays.

Because of these, the boy loses interest and prompting him to leave the scouting organization.
Others who are patient enough waited and eventually attended scouting activities mostly scheduled by the local council. The Scouting Advancement scheme and the dream of being awarded Eagle Scout medals somehow gave them the encouragement and eagerness to achieve more..

After the Eagle Scout Award and the pursuit for the TOBS search, most local councils currently do not have definite programs being implemented to maintain consciousness and proper interest level require of our boys. Thereafter these boys lose the opportunity, graduate from highschool and leave the organization

We in the Advancement Committee found, the present situation disturbing and should be properly addressed.

fig. 2. Perpetual Scouting Program

With the above cited program set-up with its proposed strategy, the intensity of consciousness and interest for the organization become uninterrupted. From the boys’ membership up to the implementation of activities in schools and then later on involvement in scheduled activities conducted by the local council are sustained.  Series of activities within the program will perk up motivation of the boys to pursue the Scout Advancement ladder.  Hopefully thereafter, the boys can also have the chance to vie for the TOBS search. 

Earning the Eagle Scout rank before finishing third year high school means the recipient having enough time to serve as Eagle Scout in his last year in high school (1) serving as assistant institutional scout leader or boy leader of scouts of lower ranks, and (2) local council associates to help out in the implementation of local scouting programs.

Eagle scouts can help in the local council membership promotional campaign by assisting our council career professionals in the conduct of visitation and attending meetings to promote the scouting organization to prospective members as well as giving updates to members. Eagle scouts can either prepare  a presentation showing their skills in public speaking and public relation either or have a demonstration showing their prowess of a particular skill like knot tying to be used in rescue, fire building, pioneering etc.

Eagle Scouts who will subject themselves to additional training in Emergency Response can be a special unit in our local council to handle first aid service during scouting activities.

Eagle Scouts who will get advance training in Camping and Hiking, Orienteering can be our local council associates to help out in the conduct of our regular Survival hiking/training in advancement camps. They can be the trustees of our hiking trails in our campsite that we developed for our council’s hiking and survival skills training activities. With this, Survival hiking as a requisite in the pursuit of Eagle Scout rank can be very informative, interesting and enjoyable for our scouts.

A good number of Eagle Scouts have to involve themselves in the familiarization and eventually mastery of traditional Scouting ceremonies like: Investiture, local court of honor, campfire, color details- entrance and exit of colors, opening and closing of scouting activities. Hence, our local council can have scouts with expertise in conducting traditional scouting ceremonies.

Life after receiving an Eagle Scout award can be very rewarding as it is worth earning the proper way. And if used with right perspective, it would be very beneficial both for our boys who received the award and to his mother council who helped mold them.  Educating our youth through the right scouting values will definitely help develop a good citizenry and ultimately build a better society.  Slowly,  but surely.  There should be no shortcuts.


Updated Scouting Activity Proposal for Private Schools (LAPRISADA) June 2016

Boy Scouting Activities

Senior Scouting Activities

Senior Scouting Advancement as released by BSP NSO January 2016